
Our Committee

The management of Hazlemere Runners is led by the volunteer committee, whose role is to maintain the long term viability of the club and its races.  

The Committee remains accountable to the members for all club activities,  but has delegated certain responsibilities to a Senior Run Leader and the Race Director.  Both these positions also sit on the committee, to ensure that club management remains joined up and integrated.

A brief overview of each Committee Role is below:


Currently: Keir A

Leads club development
Responsible to members for club performance
Elected at the AGM


Currently: Cathy G

Manages club meetings
Manages Internal & external communications
Elected at the AGM


Currently: Nick C

Sets and maintains the club budget
Manages the club accounts
Presents accounts for independent audit
Elected at the AGM

Membership Secretary

Currently: Helen S

Manages Membership
The point of contact for England Athletics
Elected at the AGM

Welfare Officer

Currently: Linda F

Ensures that the Welfare Policy set out by UK Athletics and the guidance from England Athletics are implemented
Responsible for reporting issues/concerns when necessary
Elected at the AGM

Senior Run Leader

Currently: Claire R

Delivers and manages club running groups
Ensures sufficient numbers of Run Leaders, Coaches and Guide Runners
Elected by Club Run Leaders only

Members’ Representative

Currently: Vacant

Represents the needs of all members
Elected at the AGM

Race Director

Currently: Vacant

Delivers open to the public races
Manages race volunteers and external stakeholders
Volunteer co-opted by the Committee